This is little, fluffy Polly, my sister's cat. The red felt mat was under the christmas tree and she loved sleeping on it, under the branches. When the tree was removed we folded up the cloth into a basket and put it where the tree had been and she has lived there happily ever since. She is a feather weight in comparison with fat Kittykate and is fairly disdainful of humans but it is lovely to have a cat around.
I'm about to start my fifth pair of socks and have knitted myself a woolly hat, so I have been busy with the needles. There is a treasure cave of a wool shop in the town of Christchurch near to where my sister lives and I shall have to make one more visit this week.
I am moving north to stay with my mother this weekend and I have appointments with the Housing Panel to see if I can be put on the list for accommodation. Wonderful and kind as my family are, I am looking forward to having a home of my own.
Cheers and Happy New year to all, Gillian